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Caturday Is Trending On Twitter

Caturday is Trending on Twitter!

What is Caturday?

Caturday is a day to celebrate cats on the internet. It is typically celebrated on Saturdays, but it can also be celebrated on other days of the week. People celebrate Caturday by sharing photos and videos of their cats, talking about their cats, and using the hashtag #Caturday on social media.

Caturday is a Big Day on Twitter

Today, Saturday, January 22, is a big day for Caturday on Twitter. The hashtag #Caturday is trending, and people are sharing all sorts of cat-related content. If you're a cat lover, be sure to check out the hashtag and join in on the fun!

Here are some of the most popular tweets about Caturday:

  • "Happy Caturday! I hope you're having a purr-fect day."
  • "I love Caturday! It's the best day of the week to celebrate my furry friends."
  • "I'm so happy to see #Caturday trending on Twitter! It's a great way to show the world how much we love our cats."

If you're looking for a way to celebrate Caturday, here are a few ideas:

  • Share photos and videos of your cat on social media.
  • Talk about your cat with your friends and family.
  • Donate to a cat charity.
  • Adopt a cat from a shelter.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, Caturday is a great day to show your love for cats.
